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Publications 2021-2024

Original paper

  • Mikitoshi Harada, Atsuya Endo, Shuji Wada, Takeshi Watanabe, Daniel Epron, Susumu Asakawa 2024: Ubiquity of methanogenic archaea in the trunk of coniferous and broadleaved tree species in a mountain forest. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 117, 107. (view abstract)


  • 渡邉健史・伊藤英臣・高橋嘉夫・清水優希・木暮敏博・光延 聖・大塚重人 2024: 水田土壌の鉄の酸化還元研究の現在. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌, 95, 161-166. (J-STAGE)

  • 浅川 晋・山下昂平・床並佳季 2024: 土壌微生物バイオマスカリウム ー見過ごされてきた作物へのカリウムの重要な供給源ー. 作物生産と土づくり, 56, 59-62.

  • Susumu Asakawa, Mizuhiko Nishida, Tapan Kumar Adhya, Kazuyuki Inubushi 2024: Editorial: Recent advances in biology and fertility studies of paddy field soil. Biol Fertil Soils 60, 727-728. (view)

  • ​高橋智紀・渡邉 彰・矢内純太・柴原藤善・松浦庄司・東 英男・浅川 晋 2024: 水田に蓄積する土壌有機物ーその特徴と動態. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌, 95, 204-209. (J-STAGE)

  • ​床並佳季 2024: 農耕地表層土壌における土壌肥沃度に対するカリウムの貯蔵源および作物への供給源としての非交換態および微生物バイオマスカリウム. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌, 95, 328-333. (J-STAGE)



Original paper

  • 岡村夏海・澤田寛子・平 将人・新庄莉奈・岡村昌樹・島崎由美・関 昌子・池田達哉 2023: 登熟期間の高温処理による六条オオムギ「シュンライ」の硝子率上昇とその要因. 日本作物学会紀事, 92, 19-27.

  • Rina Shinjo, Fumika Oe, Koki Nakagawa, Jun Murase, Susumu Asakawa, Takeshi Watanabe 2023: Type-specific quantification of particulate methane monooxygenase gene of methane-oxidizing bacteria at the oxic-anoxic interface of a surface paddy soil by digital PCR. Environ. Microbiol. Rep. 15, 392-403. (view full text)

  • Hirotaka Kaise, Joseph Benewindé Sawadogo, Mohammad Saiful Alam, Chihoko Ueno, Dayéri Dianou, Rina Shinjo, Susumu Asakawa 2023: Methylocystis iwaonis sp. nov., a type II methane-oxidizing bacterium from surface soil of a rice paddy field in Japan, and emended description of the genus Methylocystis (ex Whittenbury et al. 1970) Bowman et al. 1993. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 73, 005925. (view abstract)

  • Takeshi Watanabe, Kento Kato, Kohei, Kawaguchi, Toshiya Oga, Yoshinori Ban, Cécile Harmonie Otoidobiga, Adama Sawadogo, Issa Wonni, Léonard S. Ouedraogo, Jean Didier Zongo, Dayéri Dianou, Susumu Asakawa 2023: Investigation of iron-reducing and iron-oxidizing bacterial communities in the rice rhizosphere of iron-toxic paddy field: a case study in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 69, 283-293 (view abstract)


  • 床並佳季・東 和喜・木村有歌理・関 真由子・高橋祐太郎・辰野宇大・西倉瀬里・村島和基・山崎 葵・山本沙季 2023: 第22回世界土壌科学会議(22nd WCSS)参加報告. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌, 94, 78-79.

  • ​浅川 晋・渡邉健史・新庄莉奈・大江史花 2023: 水田でメタンの生成と消去に関わる微生物. アグリバイオ 7, 9-13. (目次)


Original paper

  • Yoshiki Tokonami, Taketo Funao, Toshiya Oga, Mizuhiko Nishida, Tomoki Takahashi, Susumu Asakawa 2022: Estimation of turnover time of microbial biomass potassium in paddy field soil. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 68, 275-283. (view abstract)

  • Kohei Yamashita, Mizuhiko Nishida, Kazunori Akita, Toyoaki Ito, Masanori Saito, Hiroki Honjo, Makoto Shinohara, Susumu Asakawa 2022: Pool size of microbial biomass potassium in various farmland soils. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 68, 400-408. (view abstract)

  • Masahiro Mitsuboshi, Yuuzou Kioka, Katsunori Noguchi, Susumu Asakawa 2022: Evaluation of disease suppressiveness of soils and croplands by co-cultivation of pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum and indigenous soil microorganisms. Microbes Environ. 37, ME21063. (view abstract)


  • Motohiko Kondo, Rina Shinjo, Takanori Okamoto 2022: N-fixation by free-living and endophytic bacteria and their impact on filed crops with emphasis on rice. In "Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria: Sustainable Growth of Non-legumes, Microorganisms for Sustainability, vol. 36". D.K. Maheshwari, R. Dobhal, S. Dheeman (eds), pp. 347-376, Springer, Singapore. (view abstract)


  • 浅川 晋 2022:イネの生育を支える水田の微生物と物質循環. 温古知新,59,117-122

  • 近藤始彦・岡本卓哲・堀田幸奈・新庄莉奈・荒井(三王)裕見子・八木岡敦 2022:イネのエンドファイトと窒素固定. 作物生産と土作り, 54, 7-11. (目次)


Original paper

  • Takeshi Watanabe, Nobuko Katayanagi, Ruth Agbisit, Lizzida Llorca, Yasukazu Hosen, Susumu Asakawa 2021: Influence of alternate wetting and drying water-saving irrigation practice on the dynamics of Gallionella-related iron-oxidizing bacterial community in paddy field soil. Soil Biol. Biochem. 152, 108064. (view abstract)

  • Takeshi Watanabe, Ashraf Khalifa, Susumu Asakawa 2021: Complete genome sequence of Ferrigenium kumadai An22, a microaerophilic iron-oxidizing bacterium isolated from a paddy field soil. Microbiol. Resour. Announc. 10, e003346-21. (view full text)

  • Takanori Okamoto, Rina Shinjo, Arisa Nishihara, Kazuma Uesaka, Aiko Tanaka, Daisuke Sugiura, Motohiko Kondo 2021: Genotypic variation of endophytic nitrogen-fixing activity and bacterial flora in rice stem based on sugar content. Front. Plant. Sci. 12, 719259. (view full text)


  • Susumu Asakawa 2021: Ecology of methanogenic and methane-oxidizing microorganisms in paddy soil ecosystem. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 67, 520-526. (view abstract)


  • 浅川 晋 2021:日本人の主食 お米の生産を支える微生物. 土と微生物,75,66-69. (view full text)

  • 浅川 晋・村瀬 潤・篠原陽子 2021:eDNA解析を利用した土壌微生物機能への太陽熱土壌消毒の影響評価法. 土肥誌,92,476-480. (技術レポート) (view full text)

© 2023 by Lab. Soil Biology and Chemistry,

Graduate School of Bioagricultrual  Sciences, Nagoya University,

 Furocho, Chikusa, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan

Contact information: watanabe@ (add " after @"

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