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Prof. Asakawa and Assoc. Prof. Watanabe presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition held at the Fukuoka International Congress Center (September 3-5, 2012).



樹木内部に生息するメタン生成古細菌を解析した論文"Ubiquity of methanogenic archaea in the trunk of coniferous and broadleaved tree species in a mountain forest"がAntonie van Leeuwenhoek誌に掲載されました。


Biology and Fertility of Soilsの特集号"Recent advances in biology and fertility studies of paddy field soil"の巻頭言が掲載されました。

A new paper entitled "Ubiquity of methanogenic archaea in the trunk of coniferous and broadleaved tree species in a mountain forest" by Harada et al. has been published in Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.

A commentary on soil microbial potassium has been published in "作物生産と土づくり" vol. 54, no.4. (published in Japanese).

The preface to the special issue of Biology and Fertility of Soils "Recent advances in biology and fertility studies of paddy field soil" has been published.

渡邉先生と耕地情報利用研究室の村瀬先生が中国の長春で開催されたThe 4th International Conference on Black Soils Conservation and Utilization (7/18-23)に出席し、渡邉先生は鉄酸化細菌に関する講演を行いました。また、会議で過去に研究室でポスドクとして研究をしていたJia Zhongjunさん(現在、中国科学院東北地理農業生態研究所教授、写真一番左)と、本研究室で博士学位を取得したLi Yongくん(現在、浙江大学副教授)に再会しました。

Prof. Watanabe and Prof. Murase of the Laboratory of Information Sciences in Agricultural Lands attended The 4th International Conference on Black Soils Conservation and Utilization in Changchun, China, where Dr Watanabe gave a lecture on iron-oxidizing bacteria. At the conference, they met again Prof. Jia Zhongjun (currently Professor at the Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, leftmost photo), who had worked as a post-doctoral researcher in our laboratory in the past, and Prof. Li Yong (currently Associate Professor at Zhejiang University), who had obtained his PhD degree in our laboratory.

© 2023 by Lab. Soil Biology and Chemistry,

Graduate School of Bioagricultrual  Sciences, Nagoya University,

 Furocho, Chikusa, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan

Contact information: watanabe@ (add " after @"

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