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土肥学会愛媛大会 Annual meeting of JSSSPN in Ehime



The annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition was held at Ehime University from September 12 to 14. Prof. Asakawa and Assoc. Prof. Watanabe sensei reported the results of their research on the analysis of microbial communities over 11 years in the paddy-upland rotation field in Omagari. In addition, Assoc. Prof. Watanabe gave a lecture on microaerophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria at the symposium on "Current research on the redox cycle of iron in paddy field soil," and a symposium on "Soil organic matter accumulating in paddy field soil - its characteristics and dynamics" was organized by Prof. Asakawa and Dr. Takahashi of NARO.

© 2023 by Lab. Soil Biology and Chemistry,

Graduate School of Bioagricultrual  Sciences, Nagoya University,

 Furocho, Chikusa, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan

Contact information: watanabe@ (add " after @"

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